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Client (V1)

Java client library to communicate with a DB server thru its protocols. Current implementation supports only HTTP interface. The library provides own API to send requests to a server.

Note: this component will be deprecated soon.


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Since version 0.5.0, the driver uses a new client http library that needs to be added as a dependency.

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Connection URL Format: protocol://host[:port][/database][?param[=value][&param[=value]][#tag[,tag]], for example:

Connect to a single node:

ClickHouseNode server = ClickHouseNode.of("http://localhost:8123/default?compress=0");

Connect to a cluster with multiple nodes:

ClickHouseNodes servers = ClickHouseNodes.of(
+ "?load_balancing_policy=random&health_check_interval=5000&failover=2");

Query API

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from numbers limit :limit")
.executeAndWait()) {
ClickHouseResponseSummary summary = response.getSummary();
long totalRows = summary.getTotalRowsToRead();

Streaming Query API

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from numbers limit :limit")
.executeAndWait()) {
for (ClickHouseRecord r : response.records()) {
int num = r.getValue(0).asInteger();
// type conversion
String str = r.getValue(0).asString();
LocalDate date = r.getValue(0).asDate();

See complete code example in the repo.

Insert API

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("insert into my_table select c2, c3 from input('c1 UInt8, c2 String, c3 Int32')")
.data(myInputStream) // `myInputStream` is source of data in RowBinary format
.executeAndWait()) {
ClickHouseResponseSummary summary = response.getSummary();

See complete code example in the repo.

RowBinary Encoding

RowBinary format is descriped on its page.

There is an example of code.



The client will by default use LZ4 compression, which requires this dependency:

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You can choose to use gzip instead by setting compress_algorithm=gzip in the connection URL.

Alternatively, you can disable compression a few ways.

  1. Disable by setting compress=0 in the connection URL: http://localhost:8123/default?compress=0
  2. Disable via the client configuration:
ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.builder()
.config(new ClickHouseConfig(Map.of(ClickHouseClientOption.COMPRESS, false)))

See the compression documentation to learn more about different compression options.

Multiple queries

Execute multiple queries in a worker thread one after another within same session:

CompletableFuture<List<ClickHouseResponseSummary>> future = ClickHouseClient.send(servers.apply(servers.getNodeSelector()),
"create database if not exists my_base",
"use my_base",
"create table if not exists test_table(s String) engine=Memory",
"insert into test_table values('1')('2')('3')",
"select * from test_table limit 1",
"truncate table test_table",
"drop table if exists test_table");
List<ClickHouseResponseSummary> results = future.get();

Named Parameters

You can pass parameters by name rather than relying solely on their position in the parameter list. This capability is available using params function.

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from my_table where name=:name limit :limit")
.params("Ben", 1000)
.executeAndWait()) {

All params signatures involving String type (String, String[], Map<String, String>) assume the keys being passed are valid ClickHouse SQL strings. For instance:

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from my_table where name=:name")
.executeAndWait()) {

If you prefer not to parse String objects to ClickHouse SQL manually, you can use the helper function ClickHouseValues.convertToSqlExpression located at

try (ClickHouseClient client = ClickHouseClient.newInstance(ClickHouseProtocol.HTTP);
ClickHouseResponse response =
.query("select * from my_table where name=:name")
.params(Map.of("name", ClickHouseValues.convertToSqlExpression("Ben's")))
.executeAndWait()) {

In the example above, ClickHouseValues.convertToSqlExpression will escape the inner single quote, and surround the variable with a valid single quotes.

Other types, such as Integer, UUID, Array and Enum will be converted automatically inside params.

Node Discovery

Java client provides the ability to discover ClickHouse nodes automatically. Auto-discovery is disabled by default. To manually enable it, set auto_discovery to true:

properties.setProperty("auto_discovery", "true");

Or in the connection URL:


If auto-discovery is enabled, there is no need to specify all ClickHouse nodes in the connection URL. Nodes specified in the URL will be treated as seeds, and the Java client will automatically discover more nodes from system tables and/or clickhouse-keeper or zookeeper.

The following options are responsible for auto-discovery configuration:

auto_discoveryfalseWhether the client should discover more nodes from system tables and/or clickhouse-keeper/zookeeper.
node_discovery_interval0Node discovery interval in milliseconds, zero or negative value means one-time discovery.
node_discovery_limit100Maximum number of nodes that can be discovered at a time; zero or negative value means no limit.

Load Balancing

The Java client chooses a ClickHouse node to send requests to, according to the load-balancing policy. In general, the load-balancing policy is responsible for the following things:

  1. Get a node from a managed node list.
  2. Managing node's status.
  3. Optionally schedule a background process for node discovery (if auto-discovery is enabled) and run a health check.

Here is a list of options to configure load balancing:

load_balancing_policy""The load-balancing policy can be one of:
  • firstAlive - request is sent to the first healthy node from the managed node list
  • random - request is sent to a random node from the managed node list
  • roundRobin - request is sent to each node from the managed node list, in turn.
  • full qualified class name implementing ClickHouseLoadBalancingPolicy - custom load balancing policy
  • If it is not specified the request is sent to the first node from the managed node list
    load_balancing_tags""Load balancing tags for filtering out nodes. Requests are sent only to nodes that have the specified tags
    health_check_interval0Health check interval in milliseconds, zero or negative value means one-time.
    health_check_methodClickHouseHealthCheckMethod.SELECT_ONEHealth check method. Can be one of:
  • ClickHouseHealthCheckMethod.SELECT_ONE - check with select 1 query
  • ClickHouseHealthCheckMethod.PING - protocol-specific check, which is generally faster
  • node_check_interval0Node check interval in milliseconds, negative number is treated as zero. The node status is checked if the specified amount of time has passed since the last check.
    The difference between health_check_interval and node_check_interval is that the health_check_interval option schedules the background job, which checks the status for the list of nodes (all or faulty), but node_check_interval specifies the amount of time has passed since the last check for the particular node
    check_all_nodesfalseWhether to perform a health check against all nodes or just faulty ones.

    Failover and retry

    Java client provides configuration options to set up failover and retry behavior for failed queries:

    failover0Maximum number of times a failover can happen for a request. Zero or a negative value means no failover. Failover sends the failed request to a different node (according to the load-balancing policy) in order to recover from failover.
    retry0Maximum number of times retry can happen for a request. Zero or a negative value means no retry. Retry sends a request to the same node and only if the ClickHouse server returns the NETWORK_ERROR error code
    repeat_on_session_locktrueWhether to repeat execution when the session is locked until timed out(according to session_timeout or connect_timeout). The failed request is repeated if the ClickHouse server returns the SESSION_IS_LOCKED error code

    Adding custom http headers

    Java client support HTTP/S transport layer in case we want to add custom HTTP headers to the request. We should use the custom_http_headers property, and the headers need to be , separated. The header key/value should be divided using =

    Java Client support

    options.put("custom_http_headers", "X-ClickHouse-Quota=test, X-ClickHouse-Test=test");

    JDBC Driver

    properties.setProperty("custom_http_headers", "X-ClickHouse-Quota=test, X-ClickHouse-Test=test");