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JDBC Driver (0.8+)

clickhouse-jdbc implements the standard JDBC interface using the latest java client. We recommend using the latest java client directly if performance/direct access is critical.


If you're looking for a prior version of the JDBC driver docs, please see here.

Changes from 0.7.x

In 0.8 we tried to make the driver more strictly follow the JDBC specification, so there are some removed features that may affect you:

Old FeatureNotes
Transaction SupportEarly versions of the driver only simulated transaction support, which could have unexpected results.
Response Column RenamingResultSet was mutable - for efficiency sake they're now read-only
Multi-Statement SQLMulti-statement support was only simulated, now it strictly follows 1:1
Named ParametersNot part of the JDBC spec
Stream-based PreparedStatementEarly version of the driver allowed for non-jdbc usage of PreparedStatement - if you desire such options, we recommend looking at the Java Client and its examples.

Date is stored without timezone, while DateTime is stored with timezone. This can lead to unexpected results if you're not careful.

Environment requirements



Driver Class: com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDriver

URL Syntax: jdbc:(ch|clickhouse)[:<protocol>]://endpoint1[,endpoint2,...][/<database>][?param1=value1&param2=value2][#tag1,tag2,...], for example:

  • jdbc:clickhouse:http://localhost:8123
  • jdbc:clickhouse:https://localhost:8443?ssl=true

Connection Properties:

Beyond standard JDBC properties, the driver supports the ClickHouse-specific properties offered by the underlying java client. Where possible methods will return an SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the feature is not supported. Other custom properties include:

disable_frameworks_detectiontrueDisable frameworks detection for User-Agent
jdbc_ignore_unsupported_valuesfalseSuppresses SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
clickhouse.jdbc.v1falseUse older JDBC implementation instead of new JDBC
default_query_settingsnullAllows passing of default query settings with query operations

Supported data types

JDBC Driver supports the same data formats as the underlying java client.

Handling Dates, Times, and Timezones

java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.Timestamp can complicate how Timezones are calculated - though they're of course supported, you may want to consider using the java.time package. ZonedDateTime and OffsetDateTime are both great replacements for java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Date, and java.sql.Time.

Creating Connection

Supplying Credentials and Settings

Simple Statement



More Information

For more information, see our GitHub repository and Java Client documentation.



The driver uses slf4j for logging, and will use the first available implementation on the classpath.

Resolving JDBC Timeout on Large Inserts

When performing large inserts in ClickHouse with long execution times, you may encounter JDBC timeout errors like:

These errors can disrupt the data insertion process and affect system stability. To address this issue you may need to adjust a few timeout settings in the client's OS.

Mac OS

On Mac OS, the following settings can be adjusted to resolve the issue:

  • net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 60000
  • net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 45000
  • net.inet.tcp.keepinit: 45000
  • net.inet.tcp.keepcnt: 8
  • net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive: 1


On Linux, the equivalent settings alone may not resolve the issue. Additional steps are required due to the differences in how Linux handles socket keep-alive settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Adjust the following Linux kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf or a related configuration file:

    • net.inet.tcp.keepidle: 60000
    • net.inet.tcp.keepintvl: 45000
    • net.inet.tcp.keepinit: 45000
    • net.inet.tcp.keepcnt: 8
    • net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive: 1
    • net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl: 75
    • net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes: 9
    • net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time: 60 (You may consider lowering this value from the default 300 seconds)
  2. After modifying the kernel parameters, apply the changes by running the following command:

After Setting those settings, you need to ensure that your client enables the Keep Alive option on the socket: