Materialized views in ClickHouse are queries fired whenever a batch of rows arrives in a source table. They will operate on those rows, possibly transforming the data before writing to a destination table. The diagram below gives a high-level view of how this works:

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been learning about aggregation states. I created a small demo with two materialized views reading from the same Kafka table engine. One stored raw event data and the other stored aggregation states.
When I showed the example to Tom, he suggested that rather than have both materialized views read from the Kafka engine table, I could instead chain the materialized views together. The diagram below shows what he had in mind:

In other words, rather than having the aggregation state materialized view read from the Kafka engine table, I should rather have it read from the raw events that have already been extracted from Kafka.
In the rest of this blog post, we will go through a practical example of how to chain materialized views.
We’ll use the Wiki recent changes feed, which provides a stream of events that represent changes made to various Wikimedia properties. The data is available as Server Side Events and the data
property of an example message is shown below:
"$schema": "/mediawiki/recentchange/1.0.0",
"meta": {
"uri": "",
"request_id": "ccbbbe2c-6e1b-4bb7-99cb-317b64cbd5dc",
"id": "41c73232-5922-4484-82f3-34d45f22ee7a",
"dt": "2024-03-26T09:13:09Z",
"domain": "",
"stream": "mediawiki.recentchange",
"topic": "eqiad.mediawiki.recentchange",
"partition": 0,
"offset": 4974797626
"id": 117636935,
"type": "edit",
"namespace": 0,
"title": "MP3播放器",
"title_url": "",
"comment": "clean up some labels; add missing space after *; {{zh-noun}} -> {{head|zh|noun}}, {{zh-hanzi}} -> {{head|zh|hanzi}} per [[WT:RFDO#All templates in Category:Chinese headword-line templates except Template:zh-noun]], [[WT:RFDO#Template:zh-noun]]; fix some lang codes (manually assisted)",
"timestamp": 1711444389,
"user": "WingerBot",
"bot": true,
"notify_url": "",
"minor": true,
"patrolled": true,
"length": {
"old": 229,
"new": 234
"revision": {
"old": 50133194,
"new": 78597416
"server_url": "",
"server_name": "",
"server_script_path": "/w",
"wiki": "enwiktionary",
"parsedcomment": "clean up some labels; add missing space after *; {{zh-noun}} -> {{head|zh|noun}}, {{zh-hanzi}} -> {{head|zh|hanzi}} per <a href=\"/wiki/Wiktionary:RFDO#All_templates_in_Category:Chinese_headword-line_templates_except_Template:zh-noun\" class=\"mw-redirect\" title=\"Wiktionary:RFDO\">WT:RFDO#All templates in Category:Chinese headword-line templates except Template:zh-noun</a>, <a href=\"/wiki/Wiktionary:RFDO#Template:zh-noun\" class=\"mw-redirect\" title=\"Wiktionary:RFDO\">WT:RFDO#Template:zh-noun</a>; fix some lang codes (manually assisted)"
Let’s imagine that we’re building a dashboard to track the changes being made. We aren’t interested in the individual changes but rather want to track, on a minute-by-minute basis, the unique number of users making changes, the unique number of pages being changed, and the total changes made.
We’ll start by creating and then using the wiki
USE wiki;
Create Kafka Table Engine
Next, let’s create a table called wikiQueue
that will consume messages from Kafka. The broker is running locally on port 9092, and our topic is called wiki_events
Note that if you're using ClickHouse Cloud, you'll instead need to use ClickPipes to handle ingestion of data from Kafka.
id UInt32,
type String,
title String,
title_url String,
comment String,
timestamp UInt64,
user String,
bot Boolean,
server_url String,
server_name String,
wiki String,
meta Tuple(uri String, id String, stream String, topic String, domain String)
ENGINE = Kafka(
The rawEvents
table stores the dateTime
, title_url
, topic
, and user
CREATE TABLE rawEvents (
dateTime DateTime64(3, 'UTC'),
title_url String,
topic String,
user String
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY dateTime;
We’ll then write the following materialized view to write data to rawEvents
SELECT toDateTime(timestamp) AS dateTime,
tupleElement(meta, 'topic') AS topic,
FROM wikiQueue
WHERE title_url <> '';
We’re using the toDateTime
function to convert from an epoch seconds timestamp to a DateTime object. We also use the tupleElement
function to extract the topic
property from the meta
Storing aggregate states
Next, let’s create a table that stores aggregate states to enable incremental aggregation.
Aggregate states are stored in a column with the AggregateFunction(<aggregationType>, <dataType>)
To keep a unique count of String
values, which we need to do to track unique users and unique pages, we would use the AggregateFunction(uniq, String)
type. To keep a running total, which we need for total updates, we would use the AggregateFunction(sum, UInt32
) type. The UInt32
type gives us a maximum value of 4294967295
, which is way more than the number of updates we’ll receive in one minute.
We’ll call this table byMinute
and its definition is below:
dateTime DateTime64(3, 'UTC') NOT NULL,
users AggregateFunction(uniq, String),
pages AggregateFunction(uniq, String),
updates AggregateFunction(sum, UInt32)
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree()
ORDER BY dateTime;
The materialized view that populates this table will read from rawEvents
and use -State
combinators to extract the intermediate state. We’ll use the uniqState
function for users and pages and sumState
for updates.
SELECT toStartOfMinute(dateTime) AS dateTime,
uniqState(user) as users,
uniqState(title_url) as pages,
sumState(toUInt32(1)) AS updates
FROM rawEvents
GROUP BY dateTime;
The diagram below shows the chain of materialized views and tables that we’ve created so far:

We don’t have any data flowing into Kafka, so this table won’t have any data. Let’s fix that by running the following commands.
curl -N |
awk '/^data: /{gsub(/^data: /, ""); print}' |
jq -cr --arg sep ø '[, tostring] | join($sep)' |
kcat -P -b localhost:9092 -t wiki_events -Kø
This command extracts the data
property from the recent changes feed, constructs a key:value
pair using jq, and then pipes it into Kafka using kcat.
If we leave that running for a little while, we can then write a query to see how many changes are being made:
dateTime AS dateTime,
uniqMerge(users) AS users,
uniqMerge(pages) AS pages,
sumMerge(updates) AS updates
FROM byMinute
GROUP BY dateTime
1. │ 2024-03-26 15:53:00.000 │ 248 │ 755 │ 1002 │
2. │ 2024-03-26 15:52:00.000 │ 429 │ 1481 │ 2164 │
3. │ 2024-03-26 15:51:00.000 │ 406 │ 1417 │ 2159 │
4. │ 2024-03-26 15:50:00.000 │ 392 │ 1240 │ 1843 │
5. │ 2024-03-26 15:49:00.000 │ 418 │ 1346 │ 1910 │
6. │ 2024-03-26 15:48:00.000 │ 422 │ 1388 │ 1867 │
7. │ 2024-03-26 15:47:00.000 │ 423 │ 1449 │ 2015 │
8. │ 2024-03-26 15:46:00.000 │ 409 │ 1420 │ 1933 │
9. │ 2024-03-26 15:45:00.000 │ 402 │ 1348 │ 1824 │
10. │ 2024-03-26 15:44:00.000 │ 432 │ 1642 │ 2142 │
That all looks like it’s working well.
Adding another MV to the chain
Now, after running this for a while, we decide that it would be useful to group and chunk the data in 10-minute buckets rather than just 1-minute ones. We can do this by writing the following query against the byMinute table:
toStartOfTenMinutes(dateTime) AS dateTime,
uniqMerge(users) AS users,
uniqMerge(pages) AS pages,
sumMerge(updates) AS updates
FROM byMinute
GROUP BY dateTime
This will return something like the following, where the values in the dateTime
column are now in increments of 10 minutes.
1. │ 2024-03-26 15:50:00 │ 977 │ 4432 │ 7168 │
2. │ 2024-03-26 15:40:00 │ 1970 │ 12372 │ 20555 │
3. │ 2024-03-26 15:30:00 │ 1998 │ 11673 │ 20043 │
4. │ 2024-03-26 15:20:00 │ 1981 │ 12051 │ 20026 │
5. │ 2024-03-26 15:10:00 │ 1996 │ 11793 │ 19392 │
6. │ 2024-03-26 15:00:00 │ 2092 │ 12778 │ 20649 │
7. │ 2024-03-26 14:50:00 │ 2062 │ 12893 │ 20465 │
8. │ 2024-03-26 14:40:00 │ 2028 │ 12798 │ 20873 │
9. │ 2024-03-26 14:30:00 │ 2020 │ 12169 │ 20364 │
10. │ 2024-03-26 14:20:00 │ 2077 │ 11929 │ 19797 │
This works fine with the small data volumes we’re working with, but when we’re working with bigger data, we might want to have another table that stores the data bucketed by 10-minute intervals. Let’s create that table:
dateTime DateTime64(3, 'UTC') NOT NULL,
users AggregateFunction(uniq, String),
pages AggregateFunction(uniq, String),
updates AggregateFunction(sum, UInt32)
ENGINE = AggregatingMergeTree()
ORDER BY dateTime;
Next, let’s create a materialized view to populate that table. The materialized view will query the byMinute
table using a query similar to the one we used to compute the 10-minute buckets above. The only change is that instead of using -Merge
combinators, we’ll need to use -MergeState
combinators to return the aggregation state from aggregating the byMinute
data rather than the underlying result.
In theory, we will save some calculation time, as the byMinute
MV already aggregated data in one-minute buckets. Now, instead of aggregating the raw by-second data from scratch into 10-minute buckets, we exploit the one-minute buckets instead.
The materialized view is shown below:
SELECT toStartOfMinute(dateTime) AS dateTime,
uniqMergeState(users) as users,
uniqMergeState(pages) as pages,
sumMergeState(updates) AS updates
FROM byMinute
GROUP BY dateTime;
The following diagram shows the chaining of materialized views that we’ve now created:

If we query the byTenMinutes
table it won’t have any data and once it does start populating, it will only pick up new data ingested into the byMinute
table. But all is not lost, we can still write a query to backfill the old data:
INSERT INTO byTenMinutes
SELECT toStartOfTenMinutes(dateTime),
uniqMergeState(users) AS users, uniqMergeState(pages) AS pages,
sumMergeState(updates) AS updates
FROM byMinute
GROUP BY dateTime;
We can then write the following query against byTenMinutes
to return the data grouped by 10-minute buckets:
dateTime AS dateTime,
uniqMerge(users) AS users,
uniqMerge(pages) AS pages,
sumMerge(updates) AS updates
FROM byTenMinutes
GROUP BY dateTime
We’ll get back the same results as we did when querying the byMinute
1. │ 2024-03-26 15:50:00 │ 977 │ 4432 │ 7168 │
2. │ 2024-03-26 15:40:00 │ 1970 │ 12372 │ 20555 │
3. │ 2024-03-26 15:30:00 │ 1998 │ 11673 │ 20043 │
4. │ 2024-03-26 15:20:00 │ 1981 │ 12051 │ 20026 │
5. │ 2024-03-26 15:10:00 │ 1996 │ 11793 │ 19392 │
6. │ 2024-03-26 15:00:00 │ 2092 │ 12778 │ 20649 │
7. │ 2024-03-26 14:50:00 │ 2062 │ 12893 │ 20465 │
8. │ 2024-03-26 14:40:00 │ 2028 │ 12798 │ 20873 │
9. │ 2024-03-26 14:30:00 │ 2020 │ 12169 │ 20364 │
10. │ 2024-03-26 14:20:00 │ 2077 │ 11929 │ 19797 │