Russ Frank Sr Tech Lead Manager at Oden Technologies
This talk was given at the ClickHouse Community Meetup in NYC on April 26, 2023 by Russ Frank, Sr Tech Lead Manager at Oden Technologies.
Building a domain-specific query language on top of ClickHouse
Oden Technologies, a manufacturing analytics startup, has been building a domain specific query language called OQL on top of ClickHouse. In this talk, we'll explore the justification for why a DSL makes sense, and details about how we implemented a transpiler from our query language to ClickHouse SQL.
Slides are available at
ClickHouse at DoorDash
Patrick Rogers, a staff software engineer
Helping Open Source Technology companies with
Avi Press CEO and Founder
FiveOneFour/ MooseJs taking advantage of Clickhouse
Chris Crane Co-Founder & CPO at FiveOneFour / Moose