Pradeep Chhetri, ClickHouse
Pradeep Chhetri covered the state of SQL observabililiy, highlighting case studies and benchmark results to provide the necessary elements to answer the question: Is SQL-based observability applicable to my use case? Pradeep also gives a peek preview of ClickHouse Timeseries engine through a live demo.
This presentation and demo was held live at our ClickHouse Community Meetup in partnership with Data Engineering SG user group and IMDA on July 11, 2024:
Building a Modern Data Warehouse for Real-Time Analytics and AI
Mark Mezzapelli VP Business & Development & Partnerships at Shakudo
Monitoring ClickHouse using OpenTelemetry (with IBM Instana Observability)
Joshua Hildred Software Developer at IBM
Accelerating ML Workflows using ClickHouse
Wasim Ismail, Sr. Data Engineer & Jawad Ateeq, Machine Learning Engineering Lead at Borealis AI