ClickHouse Query Challenge 🚀 🏆

Welcome to the ClickHouse Query Challenge! If you're reading this, you're about to put your SQL skills to the test against a real-time GitHub dataset.

Solve as many questions as possible using just ClickHouse SQL to win the prize (and, of course, bragging rights)!

How It Works

  • 🔥 In another tab, you have the SQL Console open, where the challenge is running.

  • ⏳ Your task? Solve as many queries as possible in 5 minutes.

  • 📝 Each challenge contains a question with hints. Write the SQL query, run it, and we'll tell you if the answer is correct.

  • 📊 We'll record your score at the end for the leaderboard.

  • 🎲 Tiebreaker: If multiple participants have the same score, we'll use ClickHouse to randomly select a winner.

Get Started

In the next section, you'll find example queries to help you prepare. These will show you how to filter event types, track trends, and analyze GitHub activity using ClickHouse's blazing-fast SQL engine.


Let's first familiarize you with the schema. The full schema is quite large, so we've limited the columns below to those you'll need to answer all of the questions.

	`event_type` Enum8('CommitCommentEvent' = 1, 'CreateEvent' = 2, 'DeleteEvent' = 3, 'ForkEvent' = 4, 'GollumEvent' = 5, 'IssueCommentEvent' = 6, 'IssuesEvent' = 7, 'MemberEvent' = 8, 'PublicEvent' = 9, 'PullRequestEvent' = 10, 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent' = 11, 'PushEvent' = 12, 'ReleaseEvent' = 13, 'SponsorshipEvent' = 14, 'WatchEvent' = 15, 'GistEvent' = 16, 'FollowEvent' = 17, 'DownloadEvent' = 18, 'PullRequestReviewEvent' = 19, 'ForkApplyEvent' = 20, 'Event' = 21, 'TeamAddEvent' = 22), -- the type of the event
	`actor_login` LowCardinality(String), -- user to whom the event was associated
	`repo_name` LowCardinality(String), -- repository name, can change
	`repo_id` LowCardinality(String), -- the repository id, never change
	`created_at` DateTime, -- the time the event occurred at
    `requested_reviewers` Array(LowCardinality(String)), -- users requested to review
    `assignee` LowCardinality(String), -- user assigned to an issue
    `body` String, -- body of an issue or PR
    `title` String, -- the title of an issue or PR
    `labels` Array(LowCardinality(String)), --labels associated with a PR or issue
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (event_type, repo_name, toDate(created_at))

A few important notes:

Repository Names vs. IDs

Repositories on GitHub can change names—for example, a project might move from a personal account to an organization. However, the repository ID never changes. If you want to track a repository over time reliably, use repo_id instead of repo_name. We'll let you know if this is needed.

Event Types

The event_type column records different types of activities on GitHub. Some common event types include:

  • WatchEvent - A user stars a repository (GitHub refers to this action as "watching," but it's equivalent to giving a star).
  • ForkEvent - A user creates a fork of a repository.
  • PullRequestEvent - A pull request is opened, closed, or merged.
  • IssuesEvent - An issue is created, closed, reopened, or commented on.
  • PushEvent - Code is pushed to a repository.

Example queries

To get you started, here are a few more example queries:

Total stars for a repository

1SELECT count() as stars
3WHERE (repo_name = 'ClickHouse/ClickHouse') AND (event_type = 'WatchEvent')

or more accurately...

1SELECT count() as stars
3WHERE (repo_id = dictGet('github.repo_name_to_id_dict', 'repo_id', cityHash64('ClickHouse/ClickHouse'))::String) AND (event_type = 'WatchEvent')

Total contributors

An estimate of the number of people who have made a PR to ClickHouse.

1SELECT uniq(actor_login) as contributors
3WHERE (repo_name = 'ClickHouse/ClickHouse') AND (event_type = 'PullRequestEvent')

Releases per year

The number of releases per year to the ClickHouse repository.

1SELECT toStartOfYear(created_at) AS year, count() AS releases
3WHERE (repo_name = 'ClickHouse/clickhouse-go') AND (event_type = 'ReleaseEvent')

Issues and repositories mentioning ClickHouse by month

Let's check the title only.

2    toStartOfMonth(created_at) AS month,
3    count() AS issues,
4    uniq(repo_name) AS repositories
6WHERE (title ILIKE '%ClickHouse%') AND (event_type = 'IssuesEvent')
7GROUP BY month

When you're ready, switch to your challenge tab and get ready - your time starts now!

Current leaders

Check our the current leaders by running the query below!

2    name,
3    score
4FROM results
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Explore free Python package analytics powered by ClickHouse. Almost 1 trillion rows of data and counting, which includes every download of a Python package via PyPI. Ever. See how your favorite Python package (ours is chDB) is performing, or just find out what's currently hot in the Python ecosystem.

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