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Querying in ClickHouse Cloud

The data in this system table is held locally on each node in ClickHouse Cloud. Obtaining a complete view of all data, therefore, requires the clusterAllReplicas function. See here for further details.

Contains stack traces collected by the sampling query profiler.

ClickHouse creates this table when the trace_log server configuration section is set. Also see settings: query_profiler_real_time_period_ns, query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns, memory_profiler_step, memory_profiler_sample_probability, trace_profile_events.

To analyze logs, use the addressToLine, addressToLineWithInlines, addressToSymbol and demangle introspection functions.


  • hostname (LowCardinality(String)) — Hostname of the server executing the query.

  • event_date (Date) — Date of sampling moment.

  • event_time (DateTime) — Timestamp of the sampling moment.

  • event_time_microseconds (DateTime64) — Timestamp of the sampling moment with microseconds precision.

  • timestamp_ns (UInt64) — Timestamp of the sampling moment in nanoseconds.

  • revision (UInt32) — ClickHouse server build revision.

    When connecting to the server by clickhouse-client, you see the string similar to Connected to ClickHouse server version 19.18.1.. This field contains the revision, but not the version of a server.

  • trace_type (Enum8) — Trace type:

    • Real represents collecting stack traces by wall-clock time.
    • CPU represents collecting stack traces by CPU time.
    • Memory represents collecting allocations and deallocations when memory allocation exceeds the subsequent watermark.
    • MemorySample represents collecting random allocations and deallocations.
    • MemoryPeak represents collecting updates of peak memory usage.
    • ProfileEvent represents collecting of increments of profile events.
  • thread_id (UInt64) — Thread identifier.

  • query_id (String) — Query identifier that can be used to get details about a query that was running from the query_log system table.

  • trace (Array(UInt64)) — Stack trace at the moment of sampling. Each element is a virtual memory address inside ClickHouse server process.

  • size (Int64) - For trace types Memory, MemorySample or MemoryPeak is the amount of memory allocated, for other trace types is 0.

  • event (LowCardinality(String)) - For trace type ProfileEvent is the name of updated profile event, for other trace types is an empty string.

  • increment (UInt64) - For trace type ProfileEvent is the amount of increment of profile event, for other trace types is 0.

  • symbols, (Array(LowCardinality(String))), If the symbolization is enabled, contains demangled symbol names, corresponding to the trace.

  • lines, (Array(LowCardinality(String))), If the symbolization is enabled, contains strings with file names with line numbers, corresponding to the trace.

The symbolization can be enabled or disabled in the symbolize under trace_log in the server's configuration file.
