How to Identify Queries Using Materialized Views in ClickHouse
Learn how to query ClickHouse logs to identify all queries involving Materialized Views within a specified time range.
How do I show all queries involving materialized views in the last 60m?
This query will display all queries directed towards Materialized Views considering that:
- we can leverage the
field insystem.tables
table to identify what tables are explicit (TO
) recipient of MVs; - we can track back (using
and the name convention.inner_id.<uuid>
) what tables are implicit recipient of MVs;
We can also configure how long back in time we want to look, by changing the value (60
m by default) in the initial query CTE
expected output:
In this example results above default.big_changes_mv
and default.sum_of_volumes_mv
are both materialized views.
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