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Composable Protocols


Composable protocols allow more flexible configuration of TCP access to the ClickHouse server. This configuration can co-exist alongside, or replace, conventional configuration.

Configuring composable protocols

Composable protocols can be configured in an XML configuration file. The protocols section is denoted with protocols tags in the XML config file:

Configuring protocol layers

You can define protocol layers using basic modules. For example, to define an HTTP layer, you can add a new basic module to the protocols section:

Modules can be configured according to:

  • plain_http - name which can be referred to by another layer
  • type - denotes the protocol handler which will be instantiated to process data. It has the following set of predefined protocol handlers:
    • tcp - native clickhouse protocol handler
    • http - HTTP clickhouse protocol handler
    • tls - TLS encryption layer
    • proxy1 - PROXYv1 layer
    • mysql - MySQL compatibility protocol handler
    • postgres - PostgreSQL compatibility protocol handler
    • prometheus - Prometheus protocol handler
    • interserver - clickhouse interserver handler

gRPC protocol handler is not implemented for Composable protocols

Configuring endpoints

Endpoints (listening ports) are denoted by <port> and optional <host> tags. For example, to configure an endpoint on the previously added HTTP layer we could modify our configuration as follows:

If the <host> tag is omitted, then the <listen_host> from the root config is used.

Configuring layer sequences

Layers sequences are defined using the <impl> tag, and referencing another module. For example, to configure a TLS layer on top of our plain_http module we could further modify our configuration as follows:

Attaching endpoints to layers

Endpoints can be attached to any layer. For example, we can define endpoints for HTTP (port 8123) and HTTPS (port 8443):

Defining additional endpoints

Additional endpoints can be defined by referencing any module and omitting the <type> tag. For example, we can define another_http endpoint for the plain_http module as follows:

Specifying additional layer parameters

Some modules can contain additional layer parameters. For example, the TLS layer allows a private key (privateKeyFile) and certificate files (certificateFile) to be specified as follows: