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Cloud IP Addresses

Static IPs API

If you need to fetch the list of static IPs, you can use the following ClickHouse Cloud API endpoint: This API provides the endpoints for ClickHouse Cloud services, such as ingress/egress IPs and S3 endpoints per region and cloud.

If you are using an integration like the MySQL or PostgreSQL Engine, it is possible that you need to authorize ClickHouse Cloud to access your instances. You can use this API to retrieve the public IPs and configure them in firewalls or Authorized networks in GCP or in Security Groups for Azure, AWS, or in any other infrastructure egress management system you are using.

For example, to allow access from a ClickHouse Cloud service hosted on AWS in the region ap-south-1, you can add the egress_ips addresses for that region:

For example, an AWS RDS instance running in us-east-2 that needs to connect to a ClickHouse cloud service should have the following Inbound security group rules:

For the same ClickHouse Cloud service running in us-east-2, but this time connected to an MySQL in GCP, the Authorized networks should look like this: