
How do I Install ClickHouse on Windows 10?

Learn how to install and test ClickHouse on Windows 10 using WSL 2. Includes setup, troubleshooting, and running a test environment.

How to install and test ClickHouse on Microsoft Windows

When ClickHouse installing on Windows 10 you may receive errors when inserting data, for example:

On Windows 10, WSL needs to be upgraded to WSL 2.

  • For testing follow these instructions, you should have similar output: Since this is for testing, I logged in as root to avoid permissions issues:
  • Create a ClickHouse directory:
  • From the new directory, download clickhouse:
  • Start the clickhouse server:
  • In another WSL window, start the client:
  • Create the database and table:
  • Insert sample rows:
  • View the rows:
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