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mongodb Table Function

Allows SELECT queries to be performed on data that is stored on a remote MongoDB server.



  • host:port — MongoDB server address.

  • database — Remote database name.

  • collection — Remote collection name.

  • user — MongoDB user.

  • password — User password.

  • structure - The schema for the ClickHouse table returned from this function.

  • options - MongoDB connection string options (optional parameter).

  • oid_columns - Comma-separated list of columns that should be treated as oid in the WHERE clause. _id by default.


If you are using the MongoDB Atlas cloud offering please add these options:

You can also connect by URI:


  • uri — Connection string.

  • collection — Remote collection name.

  • structure — The schema for the ClickHouse table returned from this function.

  • oid_columns - Comma-separated list of columns that should be treated as oid in the WHERE clause. _id by default.

Returned Value

A table object with the same columns as the original MongoDB table.


Suppose we have a collection named my_collection defined in a MongoDB database named test, and we insert a couple of documents:

Let's query the collection using the mongodb table function:


See Also