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A utility providing filesystem-like operations for ClickHouse disks.

Program-wide options:

  • --config-file, -C -- path to ClickHouse config, defaults to /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml.
  • --save-logs -- Log progress of invoked commands to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-disks.log.
  • --log-level -- What type of events to log, defaults to none.
  • --disk -- what disk to use for mkdir, move, read, write, remove commands. Defaults to default.


  • copy [--disk-from d1] [--disk-to d2] <FROM_PATH> <TO_PATH>. Recursively copy data from FROM_PATH at disk d1 (defaults to disk value if not provided) to TO_PATH at disk d2 (defaults to disk value if not provided).
  • move <FROM_PATH> <TO_PATH>. Move file or directory from FROM_PATH to TO_PATH.
  • remove <PATH>. Remove PATH recursively.
  • link <FROM_PATH> <TO_PATH>. Create a hardlink from FROM_PATH to TO_PATH.
  • list [--recursive] <PATH>... List files at PATHs. Non-recursive by default.
  • list-disks. List disks names.
  • mkdir [--recursive] <PATH>. Create a directory. Non-recursive by default.
  • read: <FROM_PATH> [<TO_PATH>] Read a file from FROM_PATH to TO_PATH (stdout if not supplied).
  • write [FROM_PATH] <TO_PATH>. Write a file from FROM_PATH (stdin if not supplied) to TO_PATH.