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Contains information about storage policies and volumes which are defined in server configuration.


  • policy_name (String) — Name of the storage policy.
  • volume_name (String) — Volume name defined in the storage policy.
  • volume_priority (UInt64) — Volume order number in the configuration, the data fills the volumes according this priority, i.e. data during inserts and merges is written to volumes with a lower priority (taking into account other rules: TTL, max_data_part_size, move_factor).
  • disks (Array(String)) — Disk names, defined in the storage policy.
  • volume_type (Enum8) — Type of volume. Can have one of the following values:
    • JBOD
  • max_data_part_size (UInt64) — Maximum size of a data part that can be stored on volume disks (0 — no limit).
  • move_factor (Float64) — Ratio of free disk space. When the ratio exceeds the value of configuration parameter, ClickHouse start to move data to the next volume in order.
  • prefer_not_to_merge (UInt8) — Value of the prefer_not_to_merge setting. Should be always false. When this setting is enabled, you did a mistake.
  • perform_ttl_move_on_insert (UInt8) — Value of the perform_ttl_move_on_insert setting. — Disables TTL move on data part INSERT. By default if we insert a data part that already expired by the TTL move rule it immediately goes to a volume/disk declared in move rule. This can significantly slowdown insert in case if destination volume/disk is slow (e.g. S3).
  • load_balancing (Enum8) — Policy for disk balancing. Can have one of the following values:

If the storage policy contains more then one volume, then information for each volume is stored in the individual row of the table.