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Contains information about existing projections in all the tables.


  • database (String) — Database name.
  • table (String) — Table name.
  • name (String) — Projection name.
  • type (Enum) — Projection type ('Normal' = 0, 'Aggregate' = 1).
  • sorting_key (Array(String)) — Projection sorting key.
  • query (String) — Projection query.


SELECT * FROM system.projections LIMIT 2 FORMAT Vertical;
Row 1:
database: default
table: landing
name: improved_sorting_key
type: Normal
sorting_key: ['user_id','date']
query: SELECT * ORDER BY user_id, date

Row 2:
database: default
table: landing
name: agg_no_key
type: Aggregate
sorting_key: []
query: SELECT count()