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System Tables

system.asynchronous_insert_logSystem table containing information about async inserts. Each entry represents an insert query buffered into an async insert query.
system.asynchronous_insertsSystem table containing information about pending asynchronous inserts in queue.
system.asynchronous_loaderSystem table containing information about and status of recent asynchronous jobs (e.g. for tables which are loading). The table contains a row for every job.
system.asynchronous_metric_logSystem table containing historical values for system.asynchronous_metrics, which are saved once per time interval (one second by default)
system.asynchronous_metricsSystem table containing metrics that are calculated periodically in the background. For example, the amount of RAM in use.
system.azure_queue_settingsSystem table containing information about settings of AzureQueue tables. Available from server version 24.10.
system.backup_logSystem table containing logging entries with information about BACKUP and RESTORE operations.
system.blob_storage_logSystem table containing logging entries with information about various blob storage operations such as uploads and deletes.
system.build_optionsSystem table containing information about ClickHouse server's build options.
system.clustersSystem table containing information about clusters available in the config file and the servers defined in them.
system.columnsSystem table containing information about columns in all tables
system.contributorsSystem table containing information about contributors.
system.crash_logSystem table containing information about stack traces for fatal errors.
system.current_rolesSystem table containing active roles for the current user.
system.dashboardsContains queries used by /dashboard page accessible though the HTTP interface. useful for monitoring and troubleshooting.
system.data_skipping_indicesSystem table containing information about existing data skipping indices in all the tables.
system.data_type_familiesSystem table containing information about supported data types
system.database_enginesSystem table containing a list of database engines supported by the server.
system.databasesSystem table containing information about the databases that are available to the current user.
system.detached_partsSystem table containing information about detached parts of MergeTree tables
system.detached_tablesSystem table containing information about each detached table.
system.dictionariesSystem table containing information about dictionaries
system.disksSystem table containing information about disks defined in the server configuration
system.distributed_ddl_queueSystem table containing information about distributed ddl queries (queries using the ON CLUSTER clause) that were executed on a cluster.
system.distribution_queueSystem table containing information about local files that are in the queue to be sent to the shards.
system.dns_cacheSystem table containing information about cached DNS records.
system.dropped_tablesSystem table containing information about tables that drop table has been executed on but for which data cleanup has not yet been performed
system.dropped_tables_partsSystem table containing information about parts of MergeTree dropped tables from system.dropped_tables
system.enabled_rolesSystem table containing all active roles at the moment, including the current role of the current user and the granted roles for the current role
system.error_logSystem table containing the history of error values from table system.errors, periodically flushed to disk.
system.errorsSystem table containing error codes with the number of times they have been triggered.
system.eventsSystem table containing information about the number of events that have occurred in the system.
system.functionsSystem table containing information about normal and aggregate functions.
system.grantsSystem table showing which privileges are granted to ClickHouse user accounts.
system.graphite_retentionsSystem table containing information about parameters graphite_rollup which are used in tables with GraphiteMergeTree type engines.
system.histogram_metricsThis table contains histogram metrics that can be calculated instantly and exported in the Prometheus format. It is always up to date.
INFORMATION_SCHEMASystem database providing an almost standardized DBMS-agnostic view on metadata of database objects.
system.jemalloc_binsSystem table containing information about memory allocations done via jemalloc allocator in different size classes (bins) aggregated from all arenas.
system.kafka_consumersSystem table containing information about Kafka consumers.
system.latency_bucketsSystem table containing information about bucket bounds used by latency_log.
system.latency_logContains the history of all latency buckets, periodically flushed to disk.
system.licensesSystem table containing licenses of third-party libraries that are located in the contrib directory of ClickHouse sources.
system.merge_tree_settingsSystem table containing information about settings for MergeTree tables.
system.mergesSystem table containing information about merges and part mutations currently in process for tables in the MergeTree family.
system.metric_logSystem table containing history of metrics values from tables system.metrics and, periodically flushed to disk.
system.metricsSystem table containing metrics which can be calculated instantly, or have a current value.
system.movesSystem table containing information about in-progress data part moves of MergeTree tables. Each data part movement is represented by a single row.
system.mutationsSystem table containing information about mutations of MergeTree tables and their progress. Each mutation command is represented by a single row.
system.numbersSystem table containing a single UInt64 column named number that contains almost all the natural numbers starting from zero.
system.numbers_mtSystem table similar to system.numbers but reads are parallelized and numbers can be returned in any order.
system.oneSystem table containing a single row with a single dummy UInt8 column containing the value 0. Similar to the DUAL table found in other DBMSs.
system.opentelemetry_span_logSystem table containing information about trace spans for executed queries.
System Tables OverviewOverview of what system tables are and why they are useful.
system.part_logSystem table containing information about events that occurred with data parts in the MergeTree family tables, such as adding or merging of data.
system.partsSystem table containing information about parts of MergeTree
system.parts_columnsSystem table containing information about parts and columns of MergeTree tables.
system.processesSystem table used for implementing the SHOW PROCESSLIST query.
system.processors_profile_logSystem table containing profiling information on the processors level (which can be found in EXPLAIN PIPELINE)
system.projectionsSystem table containing information about existing projections in all tables.
system.query_cacheSystem table which shows the content of the query cache.
system.query_condition_cacheSystem table which shows the content of the query condition cache.
system.query_logSystem table containing information about executed queries, for example, start time, duration of processing, error messages.
system.query_metric_logSystem table containing a history of memory and metric values from table for individual queries, periodically flushed to disk.
system.query_thread_logSystem table containing information about threads that execute queries, for example, thread name, thread start time, duration of query processing.
system.query_views_logSystem table containing information about the dependent views executed when running a query, for example, the view type or the execution time.
system.quota_limitsSystem table containing information about maximums for all intervals of all quotas. Any number of rows or zero can correspond to one quota.
system.quota_usageSystem table containing formation about quota usage by the current user such as how much of the quota is used and how much is left.
system.quotasSystem table containing information about quotas.
system.quotas_usageSystem table containing formation about quota usage by all users.
system.replicasSystem table containing information about and status of replicated tables residing on the local server. Useful for monitoring.
system.replicated_fetchesSystem table containing information about currently running background fetches.
system.replication_queueSystem table containing information about tasks from replication queues stored in ClickHouse Keeper, or ZooKeeper, for tables in the ReplicatedMergeTree family.
system.system.resourcesSystem table containing information about resources residing on the local server with one row for every resource.
system.role_grantsSystem table containing the role grants for users and roles.
system.rolesSystem table containing information about configured roles.
system.row_policiesSystem table containing filters for one particular table, as well as a list of roles and/or users which should use this row policy.
system.s3_queue_settingsSystem table containing information about the settings of S3Queue tables. Available from server version 24.10.
system.schedulerSystem table containing information about and status of scheduling nodes residing on the local server.
system.schema_inference_cacheSystem table containing information about all cached file schemas.
system.server_settingsSystem table containing formation about global settings for the server, which are specified in config.xml.
system.session_logSystem table containing information about all successful and failed login and logout events.
system.settingsSystem table containing information about session settings for current user.
system.settings_changesSystem table containing information about setting changes in previous ClickHouse versions.
system.settings_profile_elementsSystem table which describes the content of the settings profile: constraints, roles and users that the setting applies to, parent settings profiles.
system.settings_profilesSystem table which contains properties of configured setting profiles.
system.stack_traceSystem table which contains stack traces of all server threads. Allows developers to introspect the server state.
system.storage_policiesSystem table containing information about storage policies and volumes which are defined in server configuration.
system.symbolsSystem table useful for C++ experts and ClickHouse engineers containing information for introspection of the clickhouse binary.
system.warningsThis table contains warning messages about clickhouse server.
system.table_engineSystem table containing descriptions of table engines supported by the server and the features they support.
system.tablesSystem table containing metadata of each table that the server knows about.
system.text_logSystem table containing logging entries.
system.time_zonesSystem table containing a list of time zones that are supported by the ClickHouse server.
system.trace_logSystem table containing stack traces collected by the sampling query profiler.
system.user_processesSystem table containing information useful for an overview of memory usage and ProfileEvents of users.
system.usersSystem table containing a list of user accounts configured on the server.
system.view_refreshesSystem table containing information about Refreshable Materialized Views.
system.workloadsSystem table containing information for workloads residing on the local server.
system.zookeeperSystem table which exists only if ClickHouse Keeper or ZooKeeper are configured. It exposes data from the Keeper cluster defined in the config.
system.zookeeper_connectionSystem table which exists only if ZooKeeper is configured. Shows current connections to ZooKeeper (including auxiliary ZooKeepers).
system.zookeeper_logSystem table containing information about the parameters of the request to the ZooKeeper server and the response from it.