Introduction | Introduction page for this section |
Connecting to PostgreSQL | This page covers the following options for integrating PostgreSQL with ClickHouse: ClickPipes, PeerDB, PostgreSQL table engine, MaterializedPostgreSQL database engine. |
Comparing PostgreSQL and ClickHouse | Explores Postgres vs ClickHouse - Equivalent and different concepts. |
Loading data from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse | Part 1 of a guide on migrating from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse. |
Designing Schemas | Part 2 of a guide on migrating from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse. |
Data modeling techniques | Part 3 of a guide on migrating from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse. |
Rewrite PostgreSQL Queries | Part 4 of a guide on migrating from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse. |
How to insert data from PostgreSQL | Learn how to bulk load data from PostgreSQL to ClickHouse. |
Data Type Mappings for PostgreSQL | Table showing the equivalent ClickHouse data types for Postgres. |