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Why is ClickHouse so fast?

It was designed to be fast. Query execution performance has always been a top priority during the development process, but other important characteristics like user-friendliness, scalability, and security were also considered so ClickHouse could become a real production system.

"Building for Fast", Alexey Milovidov (CTO, ClickHouse)

"Building for Fast" talk from ClickHouse Meetup Amsterdam, June 2022.

"Secrets of ClickHouse Performance Optimizations" talk from Big Data Technology Conference, December 2019, offers a more technical take on the same topic.

What Makes ClickHouse so Fast?

Architecture choices

ClickHouse was initially built as a prototype to do just a single task well: to filter and aggregate data as fast as possible. That’s what needs to be done to build a typical analytical report, and that’s what a typical GROUP BY query does. The ClickHouse team has made several high-level decisions that, when combined, made achieving this task possible:

Column-oriented storage: Source data often contain hundreds or even thousands of columns, while a report can use just a few of them. The system needs to avoid reading unnecessary columns to avoid expensive disk read operations.

Indexes: Memory resident ClickHouse data structures allow the reading of only the necessary columns, and only the necessary row ranges of those columns.

Data compression: Storing different values of the same column together often leads to better compression ratios (compared to row-oriented systems) because in real data a column often has the same, or not so many different, values for neighboring rows. In addition to general-purpose compression, ClickHouse supports specialized codecs that can make data even more compact.

Vectorized query execution: ClickHouse not only stores data in columns but also processes data in columns. This leads to better CPU cache utilization and allows for SIMD CPU instructions usage.

Scalability: ClickHouse can leverage all available CPU cores and disks to execute even a single query. Not only on a single server but all CPU cores and disks of a cluster as well.

Attention to Low-Level Details

But many other database management systems use similar techniques. What really makes ClickHouse stand out is attention to low-level details. Most programming languages provide implementations for most common algorithms and data structures, but they tend to be too generic to be effective. Every task can be considered as a landscape with various characteristics, instead of just throwing in random implementation. For example, if you need a hash table, here are some key questions to consider:

  • Which hash function to choose?
  • Collision resolution algorithm: open addressing vs chaining?
  • Memory layout: one array for keys and values or separate arrays? Will it store small or large values?
  • Fill factor: when and how to resize? How to move values around on resize?
  • Will values be removed and which algorithm will work better if they will?
  • Will we need fast probing with bitmaps, inline placement of string keys, support for non-movable values, prefetch, and batching?

Hash table is a key data structure for GROUP BY implementation and ClickHouse automatically chooses one of 30+ variations for each specific query.

The same goes for algorithms, for example, in sorting you might consider:

  • What will be sorted: an array of numbers, tuples, strings, or structures?
  • Is all data available completely in RAM?
  • Do we need a stable sort?
  • Do we need a full sort? Maybe partial sort or n-th element will suffice?
  • How to implement comparisons?
  • Are we sorting data that has already been partially sorted?

Algorithms that they rely on characteristics of data they are working with can often do better than their generic counterparts. If it is not really known in advance, the system can try various implementations and choose the one that works best in runtime. For example, see an article on how LZ4 decompression is implemented in ClickHouse.

Last but not least, the ClickHouse team always monitors the Internet on people claiming that they came up with the best implementation, algorithm, or data structure to do something and tries it out. Those claims mostly appear to be false, but from time to time you’ll indeed find a gem.

Tips for building your own high-performance software
  • Keep in mind low-level details when designing your system.
  • Design based on hardware capabilities.
  • Choose data structures and abstractions based on the needs of the task.
  • Provide specializations for special cases.
  • Try new, "best" algorithms, that you read about yesterday.
  • Choose an algorithm in runtime based on statistics.
  • Benchmark on real datasets.
  • Test for performance regressions in CI.
  • Measure and observe everything.

ClickHouse performance

According to the benchmark results of an open source benchmark for analytical databases (ClickBench), ClickHouse shows the best performance - both the highest throughput for long queries and the lowest latency on short queries - for comparable operating scenarios among systems of its class that were available for testing.

Numerous independent benchmarks came to similar conclusions. They are not difficult to find using an internet search, or you can see our small collection of related links.

Throughput for a Single Large Query

Throughput can be measured in rows per second or megabytes per second. If the data is placed in the page cache, a query that is not too complex is processed on modern hardware at a speed of approximately 2-10 GB/s of uncompressed data on a single server (for the most straightforward cases, the speed may reach 30 GB/s). If data is not placed in the page cache, the speed depends on the disk subsystem and the data compression rate. For example, if the disk subsystem allows reading data at 400 MB/s, and the data compression rate is 3, the speed is expected to be around 1.2 GB/s. To get the speed in rows per second, divide the speed in bytes per second by the total size of the columns used in the query. For example, if 10 bytes of columns are extracted, the speed is expected to be around 100-200 million rows per second.

The processing speed increases almost linearly for distributed processing, but only if the number of rows resulting from aggregation or sorting is not too large.

Latency When Processing Short Queries

If a query uses a primary key and does not select too many columns and rows to process (hundreds of thousands), you can expect less than 50 milliseconds of latency (single digits of milliseconds in the best case) if data is placed in the page cache. Otherwise, latency is mostly dominated by the number of seeks. If you use rotating disk drives, for a system that is not overloaded, the latency can be estimated with this formula: seek time (10 ms) * count of columns queried * count of data parts.

Throughput When Processing a Large Quantity of Short Queries

ClickHouse can handle very high query per second (QPS) rates, compared to traditional data warehouses. On a single server, it can run sustain hundreds to thousands QPS, depending on query complexity. We recommend starting at a maximum of 100 queries per second, and tuning this number as needed from there.

Performance When Inserting Data

We recommend inserting data in packets of at least 1000 rows, or no more than a single request per second. When inserting to a MergeTree table from a tab-separated dump, the insertion speed can be from 50 to 200 MB/s. If the inserted rows are around 1 KB in size, the speed will be from 50,000 to 200,000 rows per second. If the rows are small, the performance can be higher in rows per second (on Banner System data -> 500,000 rows per second; on Graphite data -> 1,000,000 rows per second). To improve performance, you can make multiple INSERT queries in parallel, which scales linearly.