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Replication for fault tolerance


In this architecture, there are five servers configured. Two are used to host copies of the data. The other three servers are used to coordinate the replication of data. With this example, we'll create a database and table that will be replicated across both data nodes using the ReplicatedMergeTree table engine.

Level: Basic



A copy of data. ClickHouse always has at least one copy of your data, and so the minimum number of replicas is one. This is an important detail, you may not be used to counting the original copy of your data as a replica, but that is the term used in ClickHouse code and documentation. Adding a second replica of your data provides fault tolerance.


A subset of data. ClickHouse always has at least one shard for your data, so if you do not split the data across multiple servers, your data will be stored in one shard. Sharding data across multiple servers can be used to divide the load if you exceed the capacity of a single server. The destination server is determined by the sharding key, and is defined when you create the distributed table. The sharding key can be random or as an output of a hash function. The deployment examples involving sharding will use rand() as the sharding key, and will provide further information on when and how to choose a different sharding key.

Distributed coordination

ClickHouse Keeper provides the coordination system for data replication and distributed DDL queries execution. ClickHouse Keeper is compatible with Apache ZooKeeper.


Architecture Diagram

Architecture diagram for 1 shard and 2 replicas with ReplicatedMergeTree

clickhouse-keeper-01Distributed coordination
clickhouse-keeper-02Distributed coordination
clickhouse-keeper-03Distributed coordination

In production environments, we strongly recommend using dedicated hosts for ClickHouse keeper. In test environment it is acceptable to run ClickHouse Server and ClickHouse Keeper combined on the same server. The other basic example, Scaling out, uses this method. In this example we present the recommended method of separating Keeper from ClickHouse Server. The Keeper servers can be smaller, 4GB RAM is generally enough for each Keeper server until your ClickHouse Servers grow very large.


Install ClickHouse server and client on the two servers clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02 following the instructions for your archive type (.deb, .rpm, .tar.gz, etc.).

Install ClickHouse Keeper on the three servers clickhouse-keeper-01, clickhouse-keeper-02 and clickhouse-keeper-03 following the instructions for your archive type (.deb, .rpm, .tar.gz, etc.).

Editing configuration files

best practices

When configuring ClickHouse Server by adding or editing configuration files you should:

  • Add files to /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/ directory
  • Add files to /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/ directory
  • Leave the /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml file as it is
  • Leave the /etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml file as it is

clickhouse-01 configuration

For clickhouse-01 there are five configuration files. You may choose to combine these files into a single file, but for clarity in the documentation it may be simpler to look at them separately. As you read through the configuration files you will see that most of the configuration is the same between clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02; the differences will be highlighted.

Network and logging configuration

These values can be customized as you wish. This example configuration gives you:

  • a debug log that will roll over at 1000M three times
  • the name displayed when you connect with clickhouse-client is cluster_1S_2R node 1
  • ClickHouse will listen on the IPV4 network on ports 8123 and 9000.
/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/network-and-logging.xml on clickhouse-01
<display_name>cluster_1S_2R node 1</display_name>

Macros configuration

The macros shard and replica reduce the complexity of distributed DDL. The values configured are automatically substituted in your DDL queries, which simplifies your DDL. The macros for this configuration specify the shard and replica number for each node.
In this 1 shard 2 replica example, the replica macro is replica_1 on clickhouse-01 and replica_2 on clickhouse-02. The shard macro is 1 on both clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02 as there is only one shard.

/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml on clickhouse-01

Replication and sharding configuration

Starting from the top:

  • The remote_servers section of the XML specifies each of the clusters in the environment. The attribute replace=true replaces the sample remote_servers in the default ClickHouse configuration with the remote_server configuration specified in this file. Without this attribute the remote servers in this file would be appended to the list of samples in the default.
  • In this example, there is one cluster named cluster_1S_2R.
  • A secret is created for the cluster named cluster_1S_2R with the value mysecretphrase. The secret is shared across all of the remote servers in the environment to ensure that the correct servers are joined together.
  • The cluster cluster_1S_2R has one shard, and two replicas. Take a look at the architecture diagram toward the beginning of this document, and compare it with the shard definition in the XML below. The shard definition contains two replicas. The host and port for each replica is specified. One replica is stored on clickhouse-01, and the other replica is stored on clickhouse-02.
  • Internal replication for the shard is set to true. Each shard can have the internal_replication parameter defined in the config file. If this parameter is set to true, the write operation selects the first healthy replica and writes data to it.
/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/remote-servers.xml on clickhouse-01
<remote_servers replace="true">

Configuring the use of Keeper

This configuration file use-keeper.xml is configuring ClickHouse Server to use ClickHouse Keeper for the coordination of replication and distributed DDL. This file specifies that ClickHouse Server should use Keeper on nodes clickhouse-keeper-01 - 03 on port 9181, and the file is the same on clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02.

/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/use-keeper.xml on clickhouse-01
<!-- where are the ZK nodes -->

clickhouse-02 configuration

As the configuration is very similar on clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02 only the differences will be pointed out here.

Network and logging configuration

This file is the same on both clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02, with the exception of display_name.

/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/network-and-logging.xml on clickhouse-02
<display_name>cluster_1S_2R node 2</display_name>

Macros configuration

The macros configuration is different between clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02. replica is set to 02 on this node.

/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml on clickhouse-02

Replication and sharding configuration

This file is the same on both clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02.

/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/remote-servers.xml on clickhouse-02
<remote_servers replace="true">

Configuring the use of Keeper

This file is the same on both clickhouse-01 and clickhouse-02.

/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/use-keeper.xml on clickhouse-02
<!-- where are the ZK nodes -->

clickhouse-keeper-01 configuration

best practices

When configuring ClickHouse Keeper by editing configuration files you should:

  • Backup the /etc/clickhouse-keeper/keeper_config.xml
  • Edit the /etc/clickhouse-keeper/keeper_config.xml file

ClickHouse Keeper provides the coordination system for data replication and distributed DDL queries execution. ClickHouse Keeper is compatible with Apache ZooKeeper. This configuration enables ClickHouse Keeper on port 9181. The highlighted line specifies that this instance of Keeper has server_id of 1. This is the only difference in the enable-keeper.xml file across the three servers. clickhouse-keeper-02 will have server_id set to 2, and clickhouse-keeper-03 will have server_id set to 3. The raft configuration section is the same on all three servers, it is highlighted below to show you the relationship between server_id and the server instance within the raft configuration.


If for any reason a Keeper node is replaced or rebuilt, do not reuse an existing server_id. For example, if the Keeper node with server_id of 2 is rebuilt, give it server_id of 4 or higher.

/etc/clickhouse-keeper/keeper_config.xml on clickhouse-keeper-01

clickhouse-keeper-02 configuration

There is only one line difference between clickhouse-keeper-01 and clickhouse-keeper-02. server_id is set to 2 on this node.

/etc/clickhouse-keeper/keeper_config.xml on clickhouse-keeper-02

clickhouse-keeper-03 configuration

There is only one line difference between clickhouse-keeper-01 and clickhouse-keeper-03. server_id is set to 3 on this node.

/etc/clickhouse-keeper/keeper_config.xml on clickhouse-keeper-03


To gain experience with ReplicatedMergeTree and ClickHouse Keeper you can run the following commands which will have you:

  • Create a database on the cluster configured above
  • Create a table on the database using the ReplicatedMergeTree table engine
  • Insert data on one node and query it on another node
  • Stop one ClickHouse server node
  • Insert more data on the running node
  • Restart the stopped node
  • Verify that the data is available when querying the restarted node

Verify that ClickHouse Keeper is running

The mntr command is used to verify that the ClickHouse Keeper is running and to get state information about the relationship of the three Keeper nodes. In the configuration used in this example there are three nodes working together. The nodes will elect a leader, and the remaining nodes will be followers. The mntr command gives information related to performance, and whether a particular node is a follower or a leader.


You may need to install netcat in order to send the mntr command to Keeper. Please see the page for download information.

run from a shell on clickhouse-keeper-01, clickhouse-keeper-02, and clickhouse-keeper-03
echo mntr | nc localhost 9181
response from a follower
zk_version  v23.3.1.2823-testing-46e85357ce2da2a99f56ee83a079e892d7ec3726
zk_avg_latency 0
zk_max_latency 0
zk_min_latency 0
zk_packets_received 0
zk_packets_sent 0
zk_num_alive_connections 0
zk_outstanding_requests 0
zk_server_state follower
zk_znode_count 6
zk_watch_count 0
zk_ephemerals_count 0
zk_approximate_data_size 1271
zk_key_arena_size 4096
zk_latest_snapshot_size 0
zk_open_file_descriptor_count 46
zk_max_file_descriptor_count 18446744073709551615
response from a leader
zk_version  v23.3.1.2823-testing-46e85357ce2da2a99f56ee83a079e892d7ec3726
zk_avg_latency 0
zk_max_latency 0
zk_min_latency 0
zk_packets_received 0
zk_packets_sent 0
zk_num_alive_connections 0
zk_outstanding_requests 0
zk_server_state leader
zk_znode_count 6
zk_watch_count 0
zk_ephemerals_count 0
zk_approximate_data_size 1271
zk_key_arena_size 4096
zk_latest_snapshot_size 0
zk_open_file_descriptor_count 48
zk_max_file_descriptor_count 18446744073709551615
zk_followers 2
zk_synced_followers 2

Verify ClickHouse cluster functionality

Connect to node clickhouse-01 with clickhouse client in one shell, and connect to node clickhouse-02 with clickhouse client in another shell.

  1. Create a database on the cluster configured above
run on either node clickhouse-01 or clickhouse-02
│ clickhouse-02 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 1 │ 0 │
│ clickhouse-01 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 0 │ 0 │
  1. Create a table on the database using the ReplicatedMergeTree table engine
run on either node clickhouse-01 or clickhouse-02
CREATE TABLE db1.table1 ON CLUSTER cluster_1S_2R
`id` UInt64,
`column1` String
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree
│ clickhouse-02 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 1 │ 0 │
│ clickhouse-01 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 0 │ 0 │
  1. Insert data on one node and query it on another node
run on node clickhouse-01
INSERT INTO db1.table1 (id, column1) VALUES (1, 'abc');
  1. Query the table on the node clickhouse-02
run on node clickhouse-02
FROM db1.table1
│ 1 │ abc │
  1. Insert data on the other node and query it on the node clickhouse-01
run on node clickhouse-02
INSERT INTO db1.table1 (id, column1) VALUES (2, 'def');
run on node clickhouse-01
FROM db1.table1
│ 1 │ abc │
│ 2 │ def │
  1. Stop one ClickHouse server node Stop one of the ClickHouse server nodes by running an operating system command similar to the command used to start the node. If you used systemctl start to start the node, then use systemctl stop to stop it.

  2. Insert more data on the running node

run on the running node
INSERT INTO db1.table1 (id, column1) VALUES (3, 'ghi');

Select the data:

run on the running node
FROM db1.table1
│ 1 │ abc │
│ 2 │ def │
│ 3 │ ghi │
  1. Restart the stopped node and select from there also
run on the restarted node
FROM db1.table1
│ 1 │ abc │
│ 2 │ def │
│ 3 │ ghi │