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Configurable Backups

Scale plan feature

Configurable Backups are available in the Scale and Enterprise plans. To upgrade, visit the Plans page in the cloud console.

ClickHouse Cloud allows you to configure the schedule for your backups for Scale and Enterprise tier services. Backups can be configured along the following dimensions based on your business needs.

  • Retention: The duration of days, for which each backup will be retained. Retention can be specified as low as 1 day, and as high as 30 days with several values to pick in between.
  • Frequency: The frequency allows you to specify the time duration between subsequent backups. For instance, a frequency of "every 12 hours" means that backups will be spaced 12 hours apart. Frequency can range from "every 6 hours" to "every 48 hours" in the following hourly increments: 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48.
  • Start Time: The start time for when you want to schedule backups each day. Specifying a start time implies that the backup "Frequency" will default to once every 24 hours. Clickhouse Cloud will start the backup within an hour of the specified start time.

The custom schedule will override the default backup policy in ClickHouse Cloud for your given service.

To configure the backup schedule for a service, go to the Settings tab in the console and click on Change backup configuration.

This opens a tab to the right where you can choose values for retention, frequency, and start time. You will need to save the chosen settings for them to take effect.


Start time and frequency are mutually exclusive. Start time takes precedence.


Changing the backup schedule can cause higher monthly charges for storage as some of the backups might not be covered in the default backups for the service. See "Understanding backup cost" section below.